Gratitude & Appreciation Exercises
Individual Gratitude Exercises $20
Bundle Gratitude Exercises $150
Daily Gratitude Check-In: develop a daily gratitude practice to become more grateful generally.
Gratitude in Romantic Relationships: revive and enhance feelings of fondness and admiration in romantic relationships through daily expressions of gratitude.
Three Good Things: boost your well-being by practicing small acts of gratitude at the end of the day.
Increasing Awareness of Complaining: become aware of complaining to reduce the negative effects on yourself others and your environment.
Gratitude Resentment and Appreciation Test: Use the GRAT to measure your dispositional gratitude.
Gratitude for Important People: Help increase gratitude by counterbalancing the ”taking-things-for-granted effect” to which we are often prone.
Moving from Rational Gratitude to Experiential Gratitude Meditation (+Audio): cultivate the full essence of gratitude by connecting to a tangible and recent moment of goodness to it's source.
Naikan Reflection: develop a greater sense of gratitude and foster a natural desire to give and serve others.
Gratitude Meditation: increase gratitude through meditation.
Little Gratitude Habits: an overview of gratitude practices that can be used in addition to or as an alternative to the scientifically tested interventions.
Gratitude Letter: increase your gratitude and sense of well-being by writing a gratitude letter.
Gratitude for Important People: increase awareness of the importance of and gratitude towards other people.
Resolving Jealousy Using the Camera-Lens Metaphor: An analysis of your thinking and convert cognitions that are giving rise to feelings of jealousy and envy to cognitions that support gratefulness.
Cultivating Gratitude Through Counterfactual Thinking: build connections with other as well as engage in personal reflection.
Silent Gratitude Mapping: increase your awareness of the progress made in achieving goals and past achievements.
Gratitude by Mental Elimination: increase gratitude by counterbalancing the ”taking-things-for-granted effect” to which we are often prone.
Gratitude Journal: increase gratitude by keeping a journal of reciprocity.